Restu Chaerul Imron, Nurul Azmi


Every company wants its products to be accepted by society therefore every company should be able to optimize marketing strategy in order to achieve company goal. This scientific research aims to determine the level of market growth, relative market share and marketing strategies undertaken by the company PT. Mitra Makmur Borobudur based on BCG matrix.
The method of data collection conducted in this writing is by literature research method. The data used in this paper is the company's sales report PT. Mitra Makmur Borobudur and its competitors ie PT. Budi Surya Motor during the period 2014 - 2015. BCG matrix is done based on company sales report PT. Mitra Makmur Borobudur in the year 2014 - 2015 which compared with the reports of competitors' sales ie PT. Budi Surya Motor to know the market growth and market share.
The result of research with BCG matrix analysis, can be seen that growth rate of PT. Mitra Makmur Borobudur at 11% which means that the company has high market growth rate and relative market share value of PT. Mitra Makmur Borobudur in 2014 is 1.5x and 2015 of 1.66x, where the two market share values have a value greater than one (> 1) so that the company is in the quadrant position of Stars, indicating that high market growth with high market share, then the strategy that can be used by PT. Mitra Makmur Borobudur is investing to strengthen its dominant position in emerging markets, working with suppliers in opening branches in other areas to increase sales.

Keywords: Market Growth Level, Boston Consulting Group, Relative Market Share, Marketing Strategy

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