Sri Handayani, Dhiana Ekowati



Management of individual logistics activities is often under the direction and supervision of various departments within a company. When viewed from the logistic cycle function, the first stage is the plan of logistics needs, and the second stage is all activities to provide logistics goods to support the implementation of tasks throughout the organization.
The purpose of this study was to design a model or prototype of a logistics management information system that was able to overcome the problem of delays in sending data information items. One of the conveniences offered by this information system is in terms of finding information related to an item because all item data will be stored for inclusion in the database so that information retrieval becomes easier and faster. The method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD).
The results of this study are a prototype of a logistics management accounting information system that can improve the deficiencies or weaknesses of the logistics department's performance

Keywords: Logistics information system, prototype, RAD

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