Sri Murtiasih



Service industry is a unique phenomenon in a national development. The more developed a country, the larger the contribution of the service industry to the national revenue structure. In response to the condition, the startup entrepreneurs of online-based transportation enter Indonesia and offer transportation comfort and ease. One of the mostly used online-based transportation is currently the largest online taxi in di Indonesia. Since online transportation is currently a reliable mode that allows consumers to get the best online transportation, it is necessary to analyze the factors of the loyalty of the online taxi customers such as Price, Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Trust to Loyalty.
The data of the research was collected with questionnaires distributed to 130 respondents. The data was then analyzed by validity test, reliability test, multicolinearity test, heteroskedastity, multiple linear regression, partial t-test, simultaneous f-test, correlation coefficient, and determination coefficient, using the software of version-24 SPSS.
Results of the research indicate that Price, Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Trust significantly have partial and simultaneous effect on Loyalty of Online Motorcycle Taxi Customers.

Keywords: Price, Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust, Loyalty, Online Motorcycle Taxi.

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