Arif Febriyanta, Dhiana Ekowati



Service quality is the main point to increase customers’ satisfaction in order to maintain business competitiveness. The decreasing number of the commuters or the passengers of city bus within province forces the bus entrepreneur to develop a strategy to attract new passengers. One strategy that has to be considered is by increasing the service quality during the operational time of the bus.
This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality on the passengers’ satisfaction in bus Angkutan Kota Dalam Provinsi (city bus transportation within province) route Srandakan- Yogyakarta. The service quality consists of five variables; they are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The sample of the research consists of 96 respondents. At retrieving the data, the researcher used questionnaires as the instruments. The questionnaires contained 22 statements of strongly disagree, disagree, fair, agree, and strongly agree, each statement has scale 1-5 (Likert scale). The researcher examined the validity and the reliability of the questionnaires before distributing the questionnaires. Classic assumption test was conducted before the multiple linear regressions, which consisted of normality test, multicolinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The data analysis was done by using multiple linear regression and hypothesis test (t test, F test, and coefficient determination test).
The result of the multiple linear regression and t test showed that tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy influence partially on the passengers’ satisfaction of the city bus transportation within province route Srandakan-Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the reliability did not influence partially on the passengers’ satisfaction. F test proved tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy influence simultaneously on the passengers’ satisfaction of the city bus transportation within province route Srandakan-Yogyakarta. The coefficient determination test counted 88.6% the proportion of the five variables’ influence on the passengers’ satisfaction simultaneously, while 11.4% is influenced by other variables out of regression.

Keywords: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, passengers’ satisfaction.

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