Sri Supadmini, Dyah Nawang Wulan


The implementation of good corporate governance is an important requirement for a company. The crisis that occurred in Indonesia can not be separated from the existence of corporate governance issues. There is a separation of relationships between shareholders and management, lack of transparency in the company's financial performance, uncontrolled management and decision-making related to the company's survival, and ineffectiveness of corporate audit committees.
This study aims to prove empirically that corporate governance factors partially and simultaneously have an influence on ROA (Return on Asset) The type of data used is the secondary data obtained by documentation techniques. Data submitted from the website of Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Analysis method the data used in this research is quantitative analysis using teknikanalisis in the form of multiple regression analysis Total research sample amounted to 29 companies from manufacturing company of Basic and Chemical Industry sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Year 2011-2013.
The result of partial test shows that the corporate governance variable that is Independent Commissioner and Audit Committee partially has no effect to ROA, and External Auditor variable has an effect on ROA. The simultaneous test results show that corporate governance variables such as Independent Commissioner, Audit Committee and external audit simultaneously affect the ROA. This shows that applying all the corporate governance factors used in the joint study can improve the company's ROA.

Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Independent Commissioner, Audit Committee, External Auditor, And ROA(Return On Asset)


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