Tri Nur Apriyani, Dhiana Ekowati


This research aims to analyse the influence of quality of service, product quality and price to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as a variable intervening. The research methods used are quantitative. Data collection instruments using questionnaires. In the free variables i.e. quality of service, product quality, price, in variable bound customer loyalty and intervening variables that is customer satisfaction all statements are valid, reliable and normal distribution. Influence of quality of service, product quality and price to customer satisfaction based on the tests conducted, indicating the value of coefficient 0.178 for service quality variable (X1); 0.539 for product quality variables (X2) and 0.307 for price variables (X3). While the effect of service quality, product quality and price on customer loyalty shows a coefficient value of 0.072 for the variable service quality (X1); 0.086 for the product quality variable (X2) and 0.174 for the price variable (X3) Then customer satisfaction with customer loyalty based on tests conducted showed a coefficient of 0.410. Service quality (X1), product quality (X2) and price (X3) have a strong relationship to customer satisfaction, shown in the Adjusted R Square value of 0.680, that the independent variables consisting of service quality, product quality and price can be explained by satisfaction customers (intervening variable) by 68%, while the remaining 32% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The conclusion of this research is service quality, product quality and price have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality and product quality have no significant effect on customer loyalty, price has a significant effect on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty of Nikita Home Furnishings stores.

Keywords: Quality of service, product quality, price, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

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