Ayula Maharani Handayani, Yuri Murdo, Arief Budi Pratomo


The development of technology, especially cellular phones, is very rapid. Many emerging new brands and ultimately trigger competition. Cellular phone companies are competing to create new products as their superior products. As a superior product, of course, a product must have more value than the products of other companies. Product innovation must continue. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of product quality partially on purchasing decisions for Vivo brand smartphones, partially influence brand image on purchasing decisions for Vivo brand smartphones, partially influence price perceptions on purchasing decisions for Vivo brand smartphones and the effect of product quality, brand image. and price perception simultaneously on the purchase decision of Vivo brand smartphones.
This research method is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study is the entire community of Yogyakarta. This study uses a purposive sampling method so that the researchers set 99 research samples, namely all Yogyakarta people (adults or at least 17 years old) both men and women who use or have used Vivo brand smartphones. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire and the analysis was carried out using Multiple Linear Regression analysis.
Based on the research and discussion that has been carried out, it can be concluded that product quality partially influences the decisions of the people of Yogyakarta in deciding to purchase Vivo brand smartphones, brand image partially influences the decisions of the people of Yogyakarta in deciding to purchase Vivo brand smartphones, price perceptions partially influence the decisions of the people of Yogyakarta. in deciding the purchase of Vivo brand smartphones and product quality, brand image and price perceptions together influence the decision of the people of Yogyakarta in deciding to purchase Vivo brand smartphones.

Keywords : Product Quality, Brand Image, Price Perception, Purchase Decision.

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